Tuesday 29 December 2009
Solo performance as Squeezebox Jukebox for the Klinker Club’s 12 month closing party at Klinker Tottenham Chances
Thursday 17 December 2009
Playing accordion improvisation with Graham Wright trombone, Steve Noble drums, and Moshi Honen guitar at Klinker, Cross Kings, Kings Cross.
Wednesday 16 December 2009
Live improvisations with Paul Shearsmith (Echo City) on pocket trumpet and trombone and Hugh Metcalfe (Fuck Off Batman) on guitar and poetry at Gathering Event, St Pancras Old Church, Pancras Road, London NW1 1UH
Tuesday 15 December 2009
Live solo piano accompaniment to film by Hugh Metcalfe
& guest accordion appearance playing on Nigel Burch’s songs at the Klinker, Tottenham Chances, 399 High Road, N17 6QN, London.
Tuesday 10 November 2009
Solo performance as Squeezebox Jukebox at the Klinker Ballroom, Tottenham Chances, 399 High Road, N17 6QN, London.
Thursday 5 November 2009
Playing accordion with Paul Shearsmith (Echo City) on pocket trumpet and trombone Patrick Conway (Builder's Crack) on piano and Hugh Metcalfe on guitar and poetry at
Klinker Unplugged, Cross Kings, Kings Cross.
Saturday 31 October 2009
Once Upon a Time Proletarian screening in at Vienna Film International Festival Austria.
Saturday 10 October 2009
Once Upon a Time Proletarian screening in at Gent Film International Festival Belgium.
Thursday 8 October 2009
Once Upon a Time Proletarian screening in at Pusan International Film Festival South Korea.
Saturday 19 September 2009
Relay at 2.13pm in multiple venues in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. Playing at and moving between several different venues in the 2:13 Club Relay event improvising with constantly changing trios of musicians.
Tuesday 15, Wednesday 16, & Friday 18 September 2009
North America Première of film Once Upon a Time Proletarian
screening in competition at Toronto Film Festival Canada.
Saturday 5 & Sunday 6 September 2009
Europe Première of film Once Upon a Time Proletarian in competition at Venice Film Festival Italy.
Sunday 23 August 2009
Afternoon solo performance as Squeezebox Jukebox
Stoke Newington Festival, Ryans Bar, 181 Church Street N16 0UL
Evening guest accordion appearance with Nigel Burch and Dylan Bates at Barden’s Boudoir to close the Stoke Newington Festival.